Fred McCloskey


Fred McCloskey

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Pastor Fred McCloskey was called as Pastor Eternity Baptist Church on June 23, 2024, and began September 1, 2024. 

Pastor Fred McCloskey was born into the home of a Baptist pastor and lived his younger life in Pennsylvania and Ohio. In 1977 he received his Bachelor of Science degree in business and sociology from Eastern University in St. David’s PA. Soon after he went to South Carolina to teach in a Christian school. While there he married Robin, also a Christian school teacher and graduate of Eastern.  While there, he submitted to God’s call to the pastorate.  In 1985 he graduated from Biblical Seminary (Missio) in Hatfield, PA, with a Master of Divinity degree. Soon after he accepted a call to Calvary Baptist Church of Washington where he and Robin served together for thirty-eight years.  During these years God blessed them with five children and twelve grandchildren.  In 2006 he received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity Seminary in Newburgh IN. Over the past several years they have sensed God’s calling to New Mexico to continue to serve Him here.