I AM Ministries

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Our PRAYER lives are a vital part of our SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

If we want to see God working in us and through us, we must be people of PRAYER.

If we want to see God MOVING MIGHTILY in the lives of those we love, we must be spending time on our KNEES.

If we want to see our lives TRANSFORMED, we must begin to PRAY on a consistent basis.

We fail to tap into the FOUNTAIN of blessing that the LORD has for us because we fail to fall on our FACES daily in BOLD and fervent PRAYER.

We fail to get STILL before Him and just POUR out all that is within us.

We fail to get STILL before God and LAVISH praise upon Him.

We neglect the most beautiful PATHWAY to INTIMACY with Christ and then we wonder why we don’t see miraculous things.

We wonder why our SPIRITUAL lives are struggling.

We wonder why our Christian walk is STAGNANT.

We wonder why we are simply TREADING water and barely staying afloat…

God is calling us to BOLDNESS in PRAYER.

He is calling us to look to HIM and not just at our own abilities.

He is calling us to a DEEPER FAITH.

A more INTIMATE relationship.


We must stop neglecting the privilege we have of PRAYER, and begin coming before the Throne of Grace in eager EXPECTATIONS and full confidence in His POWER.

“…let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)