Going through Galilee
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Delivered By
Pastor Fred McCloskey
Delivered On
February 9, 2025 at 10:45 AM
Central Passage
Luke 8:26-9:50
Getting to Know Jesus Better

I. Jesus Drove out a Demon in Decapolis, Luke 8:26-39
II. In Galilee, they were Waiting in Anticipation and Welcomed Jesus, Luke 8:40-56
III. Jesus Empowers His Disciples to Proclaim and Heal, Luke 9:1-9
IV. The Apostles Reported and Were Ready for a Retreat, Luke 9:10-17
V. Jesus Prays and Pops the Question, Luke 9:18-27
VI. Jesus took Three of His Apostles to a Mountaintop Experience, Luke 9:28-36
VII. This Man's Only Son was Stricken by an Evil Spirit, Luke 9:37-43
VIII. Jesus Reminds Them of a Truth they Wanted to Forget, Luke 9:44-50
IX. Questions